Sport Focus Q & A Megan Gordon - Boxing

June 4, 2017

Meet 17 year old boxer Megan Gordon, recently selected to represent Team Scotland at the Bahamas 2017 Commonwealth Youth Games in July.

When she steps into the ring at Bahamas 2017, Megan will become the first female boxer in history to represent Team Scotland at any Commonwealth Games event. Megan is the Scottish Youth Champion and narrowly missed out on adding the British Youth title, having to settle for silver on a split decision in the final.

So, how does it feel to be a trail-blazer in Scottish women’s Boxing? We asked Megan how she got started, what it means to be part of Team Scotland and what advice she would give to other girls looking to take up the sport:

Congratulations on becoming part of Team Scotland 2017, what are you most looking forward to about the Youth Games? 

Thank you! I’m looking forward to a lot of things about the Commonwealth Youth Games, especially going in there and representing my country in a place as beautiful as the Bahamas. I’m also looking forward to being with Team Scotland and meeting other athletes who compete at a high level, and getting a lot of experience in the week as I could have five bouts over there.

What does it mean to be the first ever female athlete to represent Team Scotland in Boxing at any Commonwealth Games?

I’m still a bit shocked! I feel honoured and ready to do everyone proud, doing what I love. Hopefully I’ll impress and get selected for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.

How did you get in to Boxing? 

My dad is the head coach of the club I go to, but he wouldn’t let me start as I was a bit of a chubby kid, as well as very soft and girly. I watched one of our club’s Home Show events and liked what I saw. I asked dad if I could start and he said no, so I kept pestering constantly. He finally made a deal with me that, if I trained with him at home for three months, then I could start at the club. I did that and now I’ve been boxing for five and a half years. I’m glad he did that though as it made me learn that I had to work for it, just like you do in the ring.

What do you love about your sport? 

I love a lot about Boxing, it really has changed me as a person. The adrenaline rushes, the moment you step in the ring, and of course the times you get your hand raised. I also love how it’s a mixture between an individual sport and a team sport. When you get in that ring it’s just you, but beforehand at training and in sparring you need your team to bring you on at training and they are always good support.

Give us one interesting fact that we might not know about Boxing? 

You learn and develop so much more from a loss. It took me a while to learn this, but you keep watching back the video and seeing what you did wrong and how that could be improved. You start to work on your weaknesses and turn them into strengths.

What does your training schedule look like ahead of the Youth Games?

It looks pretty busy, but that’s what I like! I have a few training camps at the High Performance Centre in Glasgow, a 10 day training camp in Belfast, strength and conditioning at the sportscotland Institute of Sport. I’ve also got training in my own club – Elgin Boxing Club – and at home with dad.

What piece of advice would you give to other girls thinking of taking up Boxing?

Don’t be intimidated about being the only girl in the gym. I’ve always been the only girl in my gym and I ensure you that, after a few weeks, they will start treating you just as a boxer. It will also change you for the better as a person; in confidence, lifestyle, health and fitness. Also, getting hit in the face ain’t that bad – as long as you catch them back twice as hard!

Megan will represent Team Scotland in the 51kg category at Bahamas 2017, which takes place from 18-23 July. We wish her all the best with her training and look forward to seeing her making history in the Bahamas!

Find out more about Megan in her Athlete Profile and about Team Scotland’s past success in Boxing at the Commonwealth Youth Games on our Youth Games Boxing page.

As part of Team Scotland’s build up to the Youth Games, we’re featuring each sport on the programme with articles, interviews and more. Keep checking the Team Scotland website for more on Boxing and the other sports at Bahamas 2017 and look for #CYGSportFocus on our social media channels.

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