Youth Team Scotland - Isle of Man Games Review

September 12, 2011

As the final day of competition closed last night, Youth Team Scotland was left to reflect on three successful days of competition. Scottish athletes picked up an impressive 22 medals, which came from a total of nineteen individual medallists. Scotland finished sixth on the medal table; with five gold, six silver and 11 bronze medals.

Youth Team Scotland, General Team Manager Vicky Strange said: “I am absolutely delighted how we have performed as a team. The athletes have done superbly well and to have 22 medals from 19 different medallists is certainly encouraging for the future. We didn’t set a medal target, because these Games are about development opportunities, and I know that every member of the team will take something positive away from the experience.”

She continued: “Along with the medals, many of our athletes will be going home with new personal best times and scores; and in some cases new Scottish and British records. Everyone has really embraced the Team Scotland ethos, by supporting and respecting one another in the multi-sport environment.”

In the medal stakes, swimming was Youth Team Scotland’s most successful sport with 11 medals collected by nine separate medallists. Amongst the swimmers was Scotland’s most successful athlete; breaststroker Craig Benson (17, Livingston) who will leave the Isle of Man with three gold and one silver medal. Scotland’s most successful female athlete was swimmer Emily Jones (16, Inverurie) who won three bronze medals in the pool.

It was a successful weekend in athletics with four athletes winning five medals. The pick of the bunch was Tom Holligan’s (17) gold medal in the men’s 200m. The Edinburgh athlete was also named as flagbearer for the opening ceremony. Thrower Nick Percy (16, Isle of Wight) collected the silver in the discus along with a new British under-17 record and also won bronze in the hammer.

In gymnastics, Douglas Ross won a gold medal in the men’s vault with a fantastic score of 14.825. Kirsty Gilmour picked up bronze in the badminton singles, having played well throughout the whole competition. Scotland’s boxers fought well against some tough competition, coming home with three silver and one bronze medal.

Youth Team Scotland was supported by 25 general management and sports specific staff. Vicky said: “All of the staff on the team have done a fantastic job, to make sure the athletes have been in the best possible team environment, and they have all played a part in the success of the team. This has been a development opportunity for many of our staff as well as athletes and I’m sure everyone involved will benefit from the experience.”

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