Trinbago 2023 Sport Focus - FAST5 Netball

July 21, 2023

Fast5 Netball makes its Commonwealth Youth Games debut at Trinbago 2023 and the 10 athletes selected will be sure to step up to the challenge and aim to make their mark on the international stage.

We caught up with Becca McKelvie and Niamh Trainer who are 2 members of the Scotland FAST5 Netball squad, who will travel out to Trinidad and Tobago in just under two weeks to compete for Team Scotland.

Hear from Becca and Niamh as they talk about their excitement for the games and what makes FAST5 Netball so special.

FAST5 Netball is making its debut at the Commonwealth Youth Games this summer, how does it feel to be selected and to be representing Scotland on the world stage?

Becca: It is an absolute honour to represent Scotland at a major competition like the Youth Commonwealth games. These opportunities don’t come round often, and I was ecstatic to be selected. This is a huge step in the right direction for netball in Scotland and I have no doubt it’ll have a positive impact and help give netball the recognition it deserves! As a team we are all so excited to get out there and really push ourselves to be best we can be and make everyone that supported us through this journey proud. 

Niamh: I feel incredibly privileged and fortunate to represent Scotland at a global sporting event, in a new, fast paced form of netball. I can’t wait to represent my Country and believe our squad of 10 can do Scotland proud.

How did you first get involved in Netball and what would you say to those wanting to get involved in the sport?

Becca: I first got involved in netball through at local charity club at 12. We trained for an hour a week and with the support from my coaches and opportunities given, I was able to continuously improve which has led me to where I am today. 

For anyone wanting to get involved in netball I would say ‘why not’. You’ll never know how much you enjoy something if you’ve never tried it. You can gain so many positive things from playing sport: new skills, friendships, confidence. It really has made me a better person. 

Niamh: I remember my first game for my schools Under 11s B team. I had not come across netball before and did not know what to expect. I absolutely loved it and was fortunate to receive fantastic support and encouragement particularly from my local netball club. My advice to anyone who has ever thought about playing netball is “Go for it!”. I have played with people of all ages through my time and have always found the environment supportive and encouraging.

What is the best thing about FAST5 Netball?

Becca: The best thing about FAST5 netball is how exhilarating it is. The game can change in an instant and you never really know what’s going to happen. To play this style competitively is really exciting and forces you to take the risk in intense moments. Every second counts in a fast5 game, watching would definitely keep you on the edge of your seat. 

Niamh: Fast 5s is exhilarating to watch and even better to play. Its fast, dynamic and relentless and the scoring system means either team can win right up to the last moment!

What are you most looking forward to once you are out in Trinidad and Tobago?

Becca: I am most excited to get to meet and play against so many other talented athletes from all around the world. It really shows the power of sport and how it can bring so many young people together. I am also looking forward to pushing ourselves to be able to compete with some of the best athletes at our age and really show everyone what we are capable of.

Niamh: I am looking forward to meeting and making friends with people from all over the Commonwealth and for us to test ourselves against some of the best athletes at our age globally.

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