Team Scotland reflects on a successful Commonwealth Games

October 14, 2010

With a total of 26 medals (9 gold, 10 silver, 7 bronze) Team Scotland has celebrated a fantastic 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi. Only in Melbourne 2006, has Team Scotland won more gold medals (11).

Commonwealth Games Scotland Chairman, Michael Cavanagh said: “When we arrived three and a half weeks ago we knew there were challenges ahead and I’m delighted about how the team has responded to those challenges, resulting in an excellent team performance.”

The sentiment was echoed by Team Scotland Chef de Mission Jon Doig, saying: “I have an immense sense of pride at what our athletes and support staff have achieved here over the last four weeks. I am delighted with the overall team performance and it exceeds our medal target prediction of 18-25.”

It is particularly encouraging to see the successes of younger athletes with 19 of Scotland’s 28 inpidual medallists competing in their first Commonwealth Games. “I said at the time of the team announcement that Delhi would give an opportunity for new heroes to emerge” said Jon. “We’ve certainly seen that to be the case during the past ten days of competition.”

It really has been a team effort in Delhi, and athletes have been quick to acknowledge the role played by the team management and support staff. Shooter Jonathan Hammond said: “I have to give a huge thank you to Michael and Jon for all their hard work, and also to the whole support staff. There have been so many people involved to make this happen and make it work.”

Fellow shooter, Jen McIntosh added: “I’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone, the support has been fantastic. I owe all my performances to them, particularly the physios we have been working with.”

With four medals (2 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze), Jon Hammond is Scotland’s most successful athlete in any sport at a single Games. Following this fantastic achievement, Jon will carry the saltire for Scotland during this evening’s closing ceremony. Jon will be joined by Jen McIntosh, swimmer David Carry, and shooting team leader, Joan Watt, along with swimmer, David Carry who are also being recognised for their achievements and contribution to Team Scotland.

Jen and David have both performed exceptionally at the 2010 Games, while Joan has been a devoted member of Team Scotland since 1970, as a volunteer, physio and team leader. Jon Doig said: “It gives me great pleasure to announce that our flagbearer will be Jon Hammond. I’m also very proud to be able to offer the opportunity to Joan, who has accepted.” The final place in the party is normally reserved for the Chef de Mission, but Jon has offered it to Joan, to celebrate her devotion to Team Scotland.

Team Scotland is famous for its morale and camaraderie amongst athletes, officials and supporters, with Delhi once again proving that we truly are 17 sports, one team. During competition, athletes have been supported by fellow athletes, support staff and partners. David Carry said: It’s really indicative of how we all get involved and there really is a genuine team atmosphere that I’ve noticed at this competition more than any other.”

David has also been involved in wider Team Scotland operations, particularly with the Achieve 2014 programme, which has given young prospective athletes for Glasgow 2014, with an experience of a major Games environment.

“I got to show the Achieve 2014 kids around the village, and really get involved with their visit. I passed on some of the mistakes I’ve made in the past and some of my lessons”, said David. “I think it’s one of the most impressive programmes that Team Scotland has put in place. To be able to get that experience and information is just amazing for those guys.”

Once again, the support for Team Scotland from commercial and public sector partners has been fantastic.

Michael Cavanagh said: “I would also like to pay tribute to both our commercial and public sector partners, in Clydesdale Bank, Emirates Airline andsportscotland. Without their full support we wouldn’t have even got across the start line. I’m delighted that the Leadership Trust put each of our team staff through their leadership programme, which has paid pidends over the last three weeks in the challenges we have faced.”

At the closing ceremony this evening, the Commonwealth Games will officially be handed over to Glasgow who will host the 2014 Games, marking the start of one of the most exciting four years periods ever for Scottish sport.

Jon Doig said: “We are starting to build our plans as we go into one of the most exciting periods in our history, being the host CGA for the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow 2014. We’ve always been an athlete focused team and Glasgow will be an athlete focused Games.”

Despite Delhi only just coming to a close, Jen McIntosh also has her sights firmly set on Glasgow: “The experiences I’ve had out here have been absolutely phenomenal and I’m really looking forward to Glasgow”, she said. “To have the next Games on home ground; I can’t even imagine what that will be like!”

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