Strategic Plan Refresh for CGS

September 18, 2020

Maintaining an emphasis on successful teams while increasing the focus on sustainability, equality, inclusion and mental health lead a refresh of Commonwealth Games Scotland’s Strategic Plan, presented to member sports at the recent CGS AGM.

Looking past the next 2026 cycle, the new Strategy updates the existing plan that covered the 2018 and 2022 Games period, and follows an internal Board review and feedback from members and partners.

Our main focus of having successful teams at the Commonwealth Games and Youth Games has been updated with key measures including meeting the performance aims of each sport and the number athletes achieving the selection standards, both during the Games and during qualification. With inclusion reflected as one of the CGS principal values, team diversity is recognised as a factor for team success. Governance measures now also explicitly reference sustainability, equality and mental health, reflecting wider societal movement in these areas

In a year that has been extremely difficult for all sectors of society, sport, including the Commonwealth Games movement, has been hit hard all levels.

Jon Doig, Chief Executive at CGS said: “With the impact of COVID-19 likely continue to reverberate through to and past the 2022 Games, the way we do things, particularly in high performance sport, will change quickly and require greater coordination, flexibility and resilience. CGS will continue to lead in its key areas with strengthened partnership working and support across sport as key goals.”

This Strategic Plan will drive activity over the next eight years, with the next further review to take place following the 2022 Commonwealth Games and election of a new Board. Key success measures for each Strategic Goal will be reported annually, or as they occur in the cycle, and will also be reported in our Quadrennial report in 2023.

The CGS Strategic Plan for 2020-2027 is available in digital format and can be viewed here.

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