Scotland's shooters on the mark again with gold and silver

October 13, 2010

It was another fantastic day for Team Scotland’s shooters at both ranges as the team collected another gold and silver medal to add to their collection. Jon Hammond picked up where he left off yesterday to collect gold in the 50m prone event, while full bore shooters Angus McLeod and Ian Shaw won silver in the pairs competition.

Jon shot well yesterday and put in another strong performance today, only dropping five shots to score of 595-43x. There was a tricky wind at the Dr Karni Singh Shooting Range today, but Jon dealt with it well to beat off Australia’s Warren Potent into second place.

After collecting his fourth medal of the Games, Jon said: “It was just a great day. Yesterday was fantastic, winning the pairs with Neil. Today I just wanted to have a good match and see what happened. I would have been pretty delighted just to have got a medal and come away with a medal in each event. To win it and to beat Warren in the final, who one of the best shooters in the world; is really satisfying.”

Donald McIntosh, small bore coach for Team Scotland was delighted with Jon’s performance, and the successes of the shooting team as a whole. “It was a fantastic performance from Jon today”, said Donald. “He had a great qualifying round in tricky wind, next to Warren Potent, who has been in the top two or three in the world for the last five years. He put in a great performance and increased his lead in the final, in what was a world class performance from Jonathan today.”

“We’ve had a lot of support; financial and otherwise from the institute network over the past few years. We’ve had much more financial support over the past few years that we’ve ever had before from sportscotland and it has delivered.”

Jon’s pairs partner Neil Stirton also shot well today, and narrowly missed out on a medal, coming fifth in the final with a score of 592-31x.

On the full-bore range at the CRPF Campus, Kadarpur Angus McLeod and Ian Shaw completed the pairs competition, to come second with a score of 587-46v. There have been technical equipment challenges at the full bore range throughout the competition, but the Scots battled well to take silver, just one point behind New Zealand. It’s the first medal for Team Scotland in the full-bore competition since 1982 in Brisbane.

The two shooters were delighted with the result, with Ian saying: Ian “I’m relieved to have won the silver. We just missed out last time round, when we finished fourth so it’s great to get a medal here. We missed out on first by a point and a couple of v scores.”

It’s been a long week of competition for the full bore shooters in the Delhi sun, but Angus says the preparation has paid off: “It’s been four years of training to get to this point”, he said. “The heat hasn’t actually affected either of us too much; in fact we’ve become quite accustomed to it. What it has affected; is at long range the visibility has been poor. Sometimes it was almost impossible.”

Action at both ranges concluded today, with nine of Team Scotland’s medals, including four gold, being awarded to shooters, making them the top performing sport at the 2010 Games. Shooting team leader Joan Watt said: “I’m very proud of the whole team. They’ve all worked so hard, and it’s fantastic to see them getting the rewards that they really deserve.”

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