Quadrennial Report Presented at AGM

May 19, 2015

As my second term as Chairman of Commonwealth Games Scotland (CGS) draws to a close at the 2015 AGM (28 May) I am delighted to present our Quadrennial Report for 2011-2015 summarising the organisation’s activities and success during this historic period for Commonwealth Games sport in Scotland.

It is a privileged to have served as CGS Chairman since November 2007.

In particular, I am so proud of our Team Scotland athletes, who collectively inspired the nation over all 11 days of competition at Glasgow 2014; who gave us many moments to remember and treasure forever, and who delivered the best medal performance by any Scottish team at a Commonwealth Games. 53 medals was an extraordinary performance from an outstanding team.

The outstanding job done by our General Team Management and CGS staff team in the build-up to Glasgow 2014, joined by numerous committed volunteers at Games time and supported throughout by the 17 sports governing bodies and the high performance expertise of sportscotland and its institute network, ensured that the needs of the athletes were always the first priority. From team selections to the team camp, then the prep camp and finally at the Games Village, everything was geared to helping our athletes perform at their best. And perform they did!

The success of Glasgow 2014 was the culmination of 12 years of planning by CGS. It was just after the Manchester 2002 Games that CGS, in partnership with the Scottish Executive, decided that Scotland should launch a bid for the 2014 Games. We were awarded the 2014 Games on 9 November 2007 and, as the old saying goes, the rest is history…

And what a history has now been written about Glasgow 2014. All of us involved – and it has been a massive team effort over many years, can be rightly proud to have been part of delivering the best Commonwealth Games ever.

I would like to pay tribute to everyone involved with Glasgow 2014 – the Board, the workforce, contractors and, of course, the Clydesiders, for their hard work and commitment, which led to the delivery of such an incredible experience for the teams of the 71 nations and territories, as well as the spectators who filled the venues and made their own huge contribution to the success of the Games.

Building public support for the Games and for Team Scotland was vital and the 40 days of the Queen’s Baton Relay (QBR) in Scotland, hosted by CGS, visited all 32 local authorities, involving 4000 batonbearers and providing many opportunities to celebrate and promote sport. The incredible response to the QBR as it journeyed across Scotland gave us an early indication of what we could actually expect during the Games.

CGS also developed and maintained strong relationships with key partners, who were with us every step of the way, on the long Glasgow 2014 journey.

The Scottish Government has provided great support to CGS in the last 12 years, particularly in ensuring that Glasgow 2014 stayed true to our bid commitments and also to ensure that an ‘athlete centred Games’ was never allowed to become just a slogan.

Glasgow City Council, since we selected Glasgow as our host city, was fully committed to making Glasgow 2014 the success that it undoubtedly became.All closely involved in the planning knew that Glasgow 2014 would be a great event, but the way the city and its citizens took the Games to its heart was a big part of what made it the best ever.

Finally, I want to thank all of the CGS Board directors and advisers who have served during that time, and also our member sports for the support that I have received since 2007.

It has been a privilege, not just to serve as CGS Chairman, but to have had the good fortune to lead this great sporting family at such an exciting and successful time in our history.

I look forward to welcoming my successor and wish them and Commonwealth Games Scotland all the very best for the future.

Michael Cavanagh


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