New Board Structure for CGS Approved

March 30, 2011

At a Special General Meeting of the Commonwealth Games Scotland Council on Tuesday 29 March 2011, approval was given for a number of changes to the CGS Board structure, to reflect the needs of the organisation going forwards.

From the next CGS AGM on 26 May 2011, the Board will consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and four Executive members voted for by member sports. In addition the new Board will have the power to co-opt up to four specialist positions which will be Director of Finance, Director of Marketing & Communications, Director of Team Performance Support and Director of Corporate Governance & Compliance. All of these positions will be filled through an open recruitment process.

An Athlete Representative, Honorary Medical Adviser and Honorary Legal Adviser will continue to be appointed in an advisory capacity. sportscotland the national agency for sport is also invited to send an observer to the Board, as has been the practice for a number of Games cycles.

All nominations for the elected Board positions must be submitted to CGS by Monday 18 April 2011. Nomination forms can be found on the Board Member section of this website or by contacting the CGS office.

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