New Board Given Clear Mandate

May 27, 2011

At the Commonwealth Games Scotland (CGS) AGM in Stirling last night, the work of the organisation over the last four years was highlighted. This included the success of Team Scotland at the 2010 Commonwealth Games, none which would have been possible without the support of our commercial partners and in particular, sportscotland as the major public supporter of CGS and our member sports.

The planning for the next two Games cycles was also outlined, critically including preparation for the forthcoming home Games in Glasgow in 2014.

A number of key decisions were taken affecting the future management, focus and direction of the organisation over the next four years.

Under the main business of the evening, a new seven member Board was voted in which will oversee the organisation and the preparation of Team Scotland in the build-up to the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.

Chairman – Michael Cavanagh
Vice-Chairman – Fiona McEwan
Executive Members – Maureen Campbell (2 year term), Jackie Davidson (2 year term), Pete Nicolson (4 year term), Niall Sturrock (4 year term).

Louise Martin CBE remains on the Board as Immediate Past Chairman.

In addition to the positions of Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Immediate Past Chairman and four Executive members, the new Board will have the power to co-opt up to four specialist independent Director positions. Taking into account the skill set of the new Board, these positions may cover Director of Finance, Director of Marketing & Communications, Director of Team Performance Support and Director of Corporate Governance & Compliance, and all of these positions will be filled through an open recruitment process.

An Athlete Representative, Honorary Medical Adviser and Honorary Legal Adviser will continue to be appointed to support the Board. sportscotland the national agency for sport is also invited to send an observer to the Board, as has been the practice for a number of Games cycles.

Michael Cavanagh, who was elected unopposed for a second term as Chairman, committed to using his experience of the last four years to continue to strengthen and develop the organisation as it moves into one of the most exciting and challenging periods in its 80 year history. Commenting on his appointment he said: “I am absolutely delighted to have been appointed for a second term. It has been a real privilege to work with such a committed staff and Board and I look forward to leading the organisation as we focus on selecting, preparing and managing what we hope will be our most successful ever team for Glasgow 2014.”

On the matter of two motions put before the meeting by BadmintonScotland, there was good debate from across the member sports on both issues, but with little or no support for either.

On the proposal to remove all selection standards for Glasgow 2014, a counter motion from the Board was proposed. Following discussion, it was agreed to accept the recommendation from the post Delhi review, that the 2014 general selection policy continues to be developed over the next six months in consultation with the sports involved, for approval by the Council at its Half Yearly meeting in November 2011. This will be based on a team performing with distinction in 2014 and achieving our best ever medal target, whilst also maximising the opportunity of a home Games. As a result Badminton Scotland withdrew its motion and the meeting accepted the counter motion unanimously.

On the issue of CGS providing a share of funding to the 17 Commonwealth Games sports in the Glasgow 2014 programme from the joint marketing agreement monies, the motion was defeated 19-2 with 2 abstentions. The counter motion, which reaffirmed the financial investment principals as outlined at the 2010 AGM, was voted on and carried 21 -1 with 1 abstention. The lead role of sportscotland in the delivery and funding of high performance sport was also supported and clarified.

Tributes were paid to the retiring Honorary Secretary, Douglas Brown, for many years of dedicated service to the organisation, to Ian Edmond, standing down as Athlete’s Representative and Sandy Sutherland for their contributions to the Board over the last four years.

A copy of the CGS Quadrennial Report 2007-2011 is available for download.

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