Joan Watt Appointed CGS Life Member

September 10, 2020

In recognition of over 50 years outstanding service to sport, the Commonwealth Games and Commonwealth Games Scotland (CGS), Joan Watt has been awarded life membership of CGS.

Paul Bush OBE,CGS Chair, in confirming the award commented that it was well deserved recognition for a lifetime of service as an advisor, deliverer and mentor to the wider sporting community.

CGS Honorary Medical Advisor and chartered physiotherapist, Joan first provided volunteer support at the Commonwealth Games as a Village Physiotherapist in 1970, subsequently serving Scottish Commonwealth Games teams in physiotherapy roles at each Games until 2002, including as Joint Head Physiotherapist in 1998.  Melbourne 2006 saw her step into a new role as Shooting Team Manager, a position she also took on for Delhi 2010. 

The award came as a welcome surprise and Joan said she was highly honoured and still taking the news in. “I still can’t really believe it’s true, I think it’s wonderful.”

“If someone asked me which was my favourite Games I’d have to say I loved every single one because it was great, people were so pleasant and I made friends all over the place. It’s given me the feeling that I can enjoy working and helping people do what they want to do, which as a physiotherapist is what you want.

“It’s wonderful to keep the connection to Commonwealth Games Scotland because it’s meant so much to me over the years, it’s been so good and an important part of my life.”

Appointed to the Commonwealth Games Scotland Board in 2003 as Honorary Medical Adviser, she was the first non-Doctor to take this post, stepping down this year with term limits in place.  Also serving as Vice Chair of the Medical Group for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Bid, Joan was a member of the Medical Advisory Group for Glasgow 2014.

Beyond the Commonwealth Games, Joan has also served as lead physiotherapist at Olympic Games, World and European Championships for Athletics and Shooting, as well as a number of other sports. She is a former Chairperson of Scottish Athletics and was its first female President.  Instrumental in establishing the British Sports Massage Association, Joan helped set up the Chartered Physiotherapists in Massage Therapy professional network and has been active in Anti-Doping education and testing for many years.

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