Hoy and MacAskill ... the Greatest Show on Four Wheels

October 17, 2012

Great Britain’s most successful Olympian Sir Chris Hoy and world-famous street trials rider and YouTube sensation Danny MacAskill have come together for the first time to create a spectacular one-off film to help promote the post-Olympic countdown to the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

The short unique film presents a number of firsts: It was the first time the two Scottish bike icons had ever met, the first official visit and inaugural track ride by Sir Chris on the velodrome that bears his name, and the first time Danny had ever ridden in a velodrome and on a track bike (coached, no less, by the six-time Olympic Gold medal winner himself).

Put simply, it showcases the extraordinary skills both men possess on two wheels.

The film, ‘Cycling is Our Sport’ captures the mutual respect and affinity between the two Scots whilst demonstrating the crossover of urban sports and track cycling. The velodrome in Glasgow’s east end will cater for both urban and track cycling before the Games in 2014 and is already open for the public to use.

Filmed in secret at the recently-opened Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, it combines Sir Chris’s awesome power and speed on the track, the sensational stunts that have made Danny MacAskill an internet phenomenon across the globe…and shows what happened when they got together with their bikes for the first time ever.

Danny, from the Isle of Skye, is no stranger to the amazing impact of online films; his first street trials film was launched on YouTube and has been watched over 28 million times.

Sir Chris Hoy is the most successful Olympic cyclist of all time; he is a six-time Olympic champion, has won four Commonwealth Games medals for Team Scotland and was recently announced as the first official ambassador for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

Sir Chris Hoy was impressed with what he saw after seeing Danny perform his stunts: “Having the opportunity to film with Danny was brilliant. It was amazing to watch him negotiate the bollards, walls and handrails on his bike. He’s incredible and he’s got so much skill. He can turn a fairly mundane object on the street into something interesting and it’s not just the skill it’s the bravery of what he can do.

“Seeing it first hand was phenomenal. The filming was my first role as an official Glasgow 2014 Ambassador and it was the perfect opportunity to showcase the Games and the velodrome to a young, online audience.”

Danny MacAskill spoke about the thrill of riding next to Sir Chris Hoy in the Velodrome: “I’ve never ridden a velodrome before and it was just incredible, I feel very lucky. All the time when I’m following Sir Chris around the track I’m just thinking to myself ‘How have I ended up here?! This is incredible – just amazing!

“It was sensational for me to be out and about riding the new obstacles outside the velodrome and to do it in front of Sir Chris was awesome. Sir Chris is just a legend and having the opportunity to work with him was quite a surreal experience, and to be honest one I’ll never forget.”

Director Stu Thomson has produced this one-off film exclusively for Glasgow 2014. He and Danny MacAskill already have a strong working relationship and a pedigree for creating stunning viral films. Stu, who used to be a professional mountain bike rider, has worked with Danny on a number of his successful global films.

Click here to watch Chis and Danny in action.

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