Glasgow 2014 Memories - Jen McIntosh

July 26, 2019

Five years on from the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, we asked rifle shooter Jen McIntosh to look back on the 11 days that made her Team Scotland’s most decorated female athlete in Games history.

What are your memories of Glasgow 2014?

It’s all a bit of a blur, if I’m honest. It was the first time I’d ever been to an Opening Ceremony (one of my events is usually on the first day) and, as part of the flag bearer escort, I was just behind Euan Burton as we came into the stadium. To hear the roar of the crowd was absolutely phenomenal – but then straight after we were on a bus back up to Barry Buddon near Dundee which is where the Shooting was being held, so it was all a bit surreal. The satellite village was actually really good and Team Scotland were great at making sure we still felt part of the team – posters all over the walls and everything!

If you had to pick one standout moment of those Games, what would it be?

Being presented with one of my medals by my mum – don’t have the words to describe that.

Do you have any memories from behind the scenes that stand out?

Our sport psychologist, Kris Dun, was doing some relaxation exercises with us in the satellite village one night. We were in the girls’ rooms and there was maybe four of us all lying on the floor as she talked us through it when someone started snoring! Kris just kept going while we were all trying not to wet ourselves laughing. I never did learn which one of us had fallen asleep!

Apart from your own performance, what was your favourite sporting moment from the 2014 Games?

It’s a tie. Ross Murdoch winning the 200m Butterfly – the look on his face was just pure gold! But also Euan Burton winning gold after coming out of retirement – it was just a proper storybook ending to a truly fantastic career, absolutely fitting for such an amazing person too.

What do you think hosting those Games meant to Glasgow and to Scotland, both at the time and now five years on?

I think it was a huge honour for us to host the Games and gave both Glasgow and Scotland the opportunity to showcase themselves to the rest of the world. Five years on we can see Scottish sport still benefiting from that, whether from world class facilities or the knowledge that, not only can we host major competitions, but we do it very well!

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