Following in Family Footsteps - Sport Focus Q&A with Jonathan Bunyan

February 27, 2018

Fourteen times a Scottish Champion and a former Great Britain U20 squad member, Jonathan Bunyan will be following in the family tradition as he heads to Gold Coast 2018 as part of Team Scotland’s 12-strong Basketball squad.

His brother Keith was part of the Scotland team that finished 6th at the Melbourne 2006 Games, the last time the sport was included on the Commonwealth Games programme, and his father John was also the team’s assistant coach. With Gold Coast preparations well underway and a big test against a Glasgow Rocks Select on Sunday 4 March, we caught up with Jonathan as part of our Sport Focus Series:

How special will it be to pull on the Scotland jersey at the Commonwealth Games?

“Anytime I get to play for Scotland it’s a great feeling, it’s an instant feeling of pride. I don’t think I can even guess as to how good it will be to pull on the Scotland shirt and represent Team Scotland in Australia. I just know we are all excited to be a part of such a great sporting event.”

You have quite a tradition of Basketball in the family, how does it feel to be following in their footsteps?

“Basketball and representing Scotland is really special for me, I wouldn’t be playing basketball if it wasn’t for my dad and older brother and certainly wouldn’t have been as dedicated to the sport as I am just now. My brother played in the last Commonwealth Games and my dad was involved in the coaching staff, so to know I have made it to the same level they did, and that their hard work helping me through the years has paid off is really special.”

The Commonwealth Games is unique in being the only multi-sport Games where athletes represent Scotland, how special will that be?

“I think being part of not only the Basketball team but Team Scotland as a whole will be great. Watching big events like the Commonwealth Games and Olympics at home on TV, you always get a sense that it’s a big group effort from all of the athletes and not just the ones in your sport. It will be great to feel part of that environment, knowing I am representing the whole country.”

How is preparation for Gold Coast 2018 going?

“Preparation has been going well so far, but I think the game at the weekend will be a really good opportunity to see where we are at. It will be a good environment to get the team together and play some high level talent. I am looking forward to this weekend being a real starting point for our countdown to Gold Coast and it would be great to see as many Team Scotland fans as possible at the Emirates Arena on Sunday!”


Tickets for Scotland vs Glasgow Rocks Select are available at:

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