Final Preparations for Team Scotland

September 23, 2010

Final Preparations took place for over 250 Team Scotland members from across Scotland and beyond who met at the Commonwealth Games Scotland base at Stirling University over the weekend of 3-4 September.

The occasion was the final Team Scotland preparation camp that was part of an extensive training and information programme put in place over the last 4 years to prepare for the Delhi Games. Athletes and staff had an opportunity to meet other selected team members along with other partners, sponsors and supporters. For many there was renewal of old acquaintances from past Games and first time Team Scotland members it was an opportunity to find out what it will be like to be part of the Games experience and part of one single Scotland team comprising of 16 sports.

Information sessions on Delhi and areas such as Games Village operations, safety and security, medical, and anti-doping were held. In addition there was a large media presence with a number of in depth interviews taking place.

The pride and passion in representing Scotland was evident throughout a day that finished with distribution of the striking team leisure and parade clothing that drew positive comment from all athletes.

Athletes left Stirling left focussed on the task ahead knowing they are part of one of Scotland’s best prepared teams, ready for the challenges and opportunities the Delhi will provide.

The first advance party leave for Delhi on the 15th September and the first athletes on the 23rd September

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