Dawson Wins Relay Gold

July 31, 2021

There was more success in the pool at Tokyo on Saturday, with Scot Kathleen Dawson picking up a gold medal.

She swam the first leg of the 4×100 mixed medley relay, with the Team GB quartet including Adam Peaty, James Guy and Anna Hopkin breaking the world record with a time of 3:37:58.

Dawson suffered an early set-back as she slipped off the wall at the start, and, flanked by male swimmers in the adjacent lane, had plenty against her. However a battling performance saw her clawing back the gap, and by the end of leg three Team GB had a strong lead.

She said: “I wasn’t going to let anyone bully me. I was going to swim my own race and it didn’t matter if it was two girls or two boys beside me. It’s honestly more than I could ever hope for. If you’d have told me back at the end of 2018 when I had my knee injury that I’d be an Olympic champion at the end of a delayed Olympics, I wouldn’t have believed you!”

The result gave Team GB an seventh medal in the pool, equalling the tally at London 1908 with one day of competition left to come.


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