Commonwealth Sport Pride Network Launched to Positively Champion LGBTQ+ Inclusion

December 8, 2021

The Commonwealth Sport Pride Network has today been launched to positively champion and enable LGBTQ+ inclusion at the Commonwealth Games and across the Commonwealth Sport Movement.

Team Scotland is proud to support the Commonwealth Sport Pride Network, a voluntary network and coordination group, that looks to bring together athletes, coaches, Commonwealth Games Associations (CGAs), Games organisers, stakeholders, partners and allies. It is open to all.

Team Scotland has been actively involved in an international working group of athletes, CGAs and stakeholders which has set out four key areas of focus – community, education, visibility and influence – enabling the network to:

  • Create a safe space for LGBTQ+ people and allies to meet, support and coordinate activities as a community
  • Increase visibility and awareness of LGBTQ+ inclusion and participation in Commonwealth sport and positively promote equality, role models, best practice and support Pride House at the Games
  • Support allies, CGAs, Games organisers and other stakeholders through information-sharing, training and education
  • Provide a collective platform to influence and drive positive change for LGBTQ+ acceptance and equality across Commonwealth Sport and the wider Commonwealth.


Athletes, coaches, stakeholders and team members can sign up at to become part of the network and get involved supporting activities at Birmingham 2022 and across the Movement.

The launch of the network coincides with Rainbow Laces Day 2021, which celebrates the impact that sport has on LGBTQ+ people and the impact that LGBTQ+ people have on sport.

Commonwealth Games Federation President Dame Louise Martin DBE said: “We are launching today the Commonwealth Sport Pride Network to champion and enable LGBTQ+ inclusion at the Games and across our Movement.

We hope the network will be a safe space to connect, support, learn, understand and celebrate. This is not a political movement, but an opportunity to champion inclusion and tell stories in a positive way.

In launching this voluntary network, we are mindful of Commonwealth-wide realities. Our cultural and religious diversity defines our family, and it is important for the CGF to continue to lead by example, embracing our shared passion for sport and living our values of Humanity, Equality and Destiny.

As “The Games for Everyone” we all hope Birmingham 2022 will provide an inspiring and important opportunity to engage, champion and benefit many diverse communities, and I am proud that this will now include support and initiatives for the LGBTQ+ sporting community.”

To visit the Commonwealth Sport Pride Network website and sign up to be part of it, click here

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