Back to Back Silvers for Scottish Triathletes

August 7, 2023

Day 2 of Trinbago 2023 saw our two Scottish triathletes compete in the inaugural Commonwealth Youth Games Triathlon event, where both Alex Robin and Jessica Heeps came away with a silver medal and have cemented their names into the Youth Games history books.

The women’s event was up first at Buccoo Beach in Tobago, and Jessica led the first leg of the race after a really strong swim and then joined the front pack of five for the cycling leg. Competing against some tough competition, Jessica pulled away from the pack during her run and broke into her own stride to come second behind a strong Australian.

Up next was the men’s event and with the blazing sun high in the sky, it was going to be tough conditions for the athletes. Once again, Alex started off with an extremely strong swim and lead the group for over two third of the swim lap. Leaving the water, Alex and two other athletes from Jersey and Australia were in the lead pack for most of the rest of the race until the final lap of the run, where Alex finished in a strong second position.

“Yea, I’m pretty happy. I came here to medal and throughout the race that was constantly going through my head and kept me going. The way the tactics played out and with being in the front pack of three and decided to keep working in that in order to secure the medal.”

“The swim was amazing, and nice to have a hot swim, non-wet suiting and doesn’t feel freezing in comparison to Scotland.”

The mixed relay is taking place on Tuesday 8th August at 0830am (2:30pm UK Time) at Buccoo Bay, Tobago.

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