A wee piece of Scotland in the heart of Delhi

October 1, 2010

During the Games Team Scotland will be running ‘Scotland House’ at the Le Meridien Hotel where friends, family and supporters can meet, mix and find out about information about the Team and generally about Scotland, Scottish business and the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

Scotland House will be managed by Commonwealth Games Scotland in partnership with the Glasgow 2014 Organising Committee, Glasgow City Council and the Scottish Government.

To showcase Scotland on the global stage, and it’s support for the Scottish Team in action in Delhi, the four partners have developed an eye catching look and feel for Scotland House.

With a Scottish and Indian infusion, the design concept, produced by the Leith Agency, has been unveiled in advance of the arrival of Team Scotland supporters for the opening of Scotland House on 1 October.

Michael Cavanagh, Chairman of Commonwealth Games Scotland commented: “The Scotland House facilities are bigger and better than ever before this year, as the four Glasgow 2014 Games partners work together in Delhi to promote both the athletes representing Scotland, and the fast approaching handover to Glasgow as the next host city.

I’m confident that Scotland House will be a popular gathering place that has a real buzz about it, serving athletes, family and friends, as well as public and commercial partners.

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