A Tribute to Dr. Elizabeth McSwan, 1939 - 2012

February 21, 2012

It is with great sadness that Commonwealth Games Scotland hears of the death of Dr Elizabeth McSwan. She made a significant contribution to the management of medical services for the Commonwealth Games, both when held in Scotland and travelling away with the team.

Liz Mc Swan qualified with MB ChB from Glasgow University in 1963, where she had also captained the women’s hockey team.

She went on to work at Dunfermline College of Physical Education as medical officer and lecturer. She was very involved in the then fledgling discipline of Sports Medicine and served as Chair of the British Association of Sports Medicine, Scottish Branch.

Liz was involved in both the 1970 and 1986 Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh, as a member of the Medical Team which set up and ran the Games medical facilities.

Having previously worked with both Scottish and British Athletics she was delighted to be chosen to go to Victoria in 1994 as one of the two medical officers for the Scottish Team. This was followed in 1998 by her appointment as Honorary Medical Advisor in the preparations for the Kuala Lumpur Games and attending those Games as Head Doctor. She was also one of the general team staff at the Village in Edinburgh for the inaugural Commonwealth Youth Games in 2000.

Outside of sport Liz was also very involved in her own community as an elder at Cramond Church. She was one of the first female Rotarians and went on to become the first lady President of Edinburgh Rotary Club.

CGS Honorary Medical Adviser, Joan Watt said: “Liz was a friend to all and was always prepared to help where she could. She has certainly left her personal mark on the sports medicine profession of Scotland and the UK and will be greatly missed.”

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