Trinbago Team Guide

Medical and Health Monitoring

The medical team is delighted to hear you have been selected for the Commonwealth Youth Games and will be here to support you prior to and during the Games. The team consists of five staff:

Chief Medical Officer:  Dr Victoria Campbell

Doctor: Dr Neil Howie

Lead Physiotherapist: David Brandie

Physiotherapist: Sarah Chambers

Physiotherapist: Catriona Sloan

We will be in touch prior to departure to get to know you a little and hopefully help alleviate any concerns you may have during the Games. We are happy to answer question at any point, no matter how trivial you think it is. We are here to support you to perform your best.

Ensuring you perform at your best and stay healthy comes down to good preparation prior to Games. Please read the information provided carefully and do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.



If you have a condition such as asthma or diabetes, please ensure you have seen your GP or practice nurse for a review prior to departure for the Games. You should ensure you have enough of a supply of your medication to take with you and last you the duration of the Games.

There will be anti doping present at the Games so please ensure you have discussed with your GP/practice nurse that you are an elite athlete and have checked your medications on

If you aren’t sure about any medications please contact Dr Victoria Campbell at prior to departure.

Please carry all prescription medications in your hand luggage along with a prescription from GP as this may be required for customs.

Please declare ALL medications on your pre departure medical screening form.

Travel Vaccinations

Specific travel vaccination advice can be obtained via your GP or on the NHS website ‘fit for travel’

Or via travel pro website at:

General guidance for Trinidad and Tobago vaccinations are similar to the UK vaccination programme and athletes should be up to date with their routine vaccinations. These include MMR, diphtheria/tetanus and polio.  If you have had your childhood vaccinations via school or your GP then it is likely that you are up to date. Please check with you GP and update any vaccinations/boosters as required.

Other recommended vaccines for Trinidad and Tobago include Hepatitis A & B, Rabies and Yellow Fever. If you wish to get these vaccines these would be done via a travel clinic and should be done at least 4-6 weeks prior to departure.


Please ensure you visit a dentist prior to departure. This reduces the chances that you may need to visit an emergency dentist in Trinidad and Tobago where services may be limited.

We will review your pre departure medical forms and discuss any medical conditions/medications with you. If you become unwell or injured prior to departure, please contact Dr Victoria Campbell at

At the Games

Health Monitoring

During the Games we will be monitoring how you are feeling and sleeping so we can pick up on any problems and help you. It is important that you check in daily with the medical team.

Rest & Recovery

During the Games it is important that you focus on your recovery to help you train and perform at your best. Warm down, active recovery, rest and refuelling are all important parts of recovery.

As you sweat through training and competition you are likely to lose fluid so it is important to ensure you are maintaining adequate fluid intake. You should drink to thirst utilising mainly water but can use rehydration therapy as per your team/sports policy. 

Sun Hygiene

The climate in Trinidad and Tobago is somewhat different to the climate in the United Kingdom with temperatures reaching over 30 degrees Celsius in August. Some of you may not be used to training or competing in such high temperatures so it is important to utilise some strategies to help you manage the hot conditions:

* Wear high factor sunscreen with UVA/UVB protection – factor 50 is recommended

* Ensure you apply this prior to sun exposure and re apply regularly throughout the day

* Seek shade whenever possible during training/competition and rest periods

* Do not spend long periods in sun or sunbathing during your downtime

* Wear a hat where possible

* Keep hydrated – drink small sips and often


Handwashing is one of the most effective ways in reducing spread of germs and your chance of getting an infection which may affect your competition so it is important to do this regularly. 

Below demonstrates the six steps of handwashing which you should do every time you was your hands. Please ensure your hands are completely dry after washing.

Post Games

We hope you have an extremely enjoyable experience at the Games and leave feeling proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Although Games can be very fun, they can be quite tiring with travelling, busy training and competition schedules.

When you get home, you may find that you feel tired and feel a bit more emotional than usual. This is completely normal and a common way to feel after the Games. You should ensure you get as much rest as you can to help you recover and we encourage you to talk to your family and friends about how you are feeling.

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