With just over 300 days until the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games open, a specially created Queen’s Baton has been revealed, which is set to embark on a 294-day Relay across the Commonwealth, arriving in Scotland in June 2022.

Crafted by designers and technologists from the West Midlands in a unique collaboration that fuses science, technology, engineering and art, the Baton design champions the individuality in humanity and celebrates bringing people together.

Featuring a 360-degree camera, heartrate sensor, interactive LED lighting and atmospheric sensors to evaluate environmental conditions as it travels along its route, the Baton combines cutting edge technology with a design based on accessible materials like copper, aluminium and brass, cast in Birmingham’s historic Jewellery Quarter.

Lining the length of the curved shape and woven throughout the Baton is a platinum strand, paying homage to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, in her Platinum Jubilee year.

On 7 October 2021, at a special event at Buckingham Palace, Her Majesty The Queen will place her message to the Commonwealth into the Baton, signifying the start of the Relay through the 72 nations and territories of the Commonwealth. The Baton will inspire people of the Commonwealth to come together and host moments of celebration ahead of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.

The Birmingham 2022 Queen’s Baton Relay will visit all 72 nations and territories of the Commonwealth yet will travel almost half the distance of the previous Gold Coast Queen’s Baton Relay in a bid to reduce the carbon footprint.

The full route can be found here: https://www.birmingham2022.com/queens-baton-relay/route/

Martin Green, Chief Creative Officer at Birmingham 2022, said: “The Queen’s Baton Relay is a special tradition for the Games and a fantastic opportunity to connect the Commonwealth as we countdown to Birmingham 2022. Unveiling the Baton and its international journey is an exciting milestone for us, as we’re just days away from the official launch of the Relay.

“The Baton is the stunning result of art, traditional craftmanship and innovative technology, all designed and made right here in the West Midlands, and I can’t wait to see it embark on its epic journey where thousands of Batonbearers will interact with it. It will be visiting some wonderful places before arriving back here in Birmingham for the Opening Ceremony on 28 July 2022.”

The Baton will travel through Scotland from 17-23 June 2022, with plans already underway for an exciting programme of events and a chance for supporters to get behind Team Scotland in the lead up to the Games. More details will be announced in due course.

Jon Doig, Chief Executive at Commonwealth Games Scotland said: “The Queen’s Baton Relay is an important part of the journey for each Commonwealth Games and gives an important signal to athletes that the Games are within touching distance, spurring them on in their quest for selection.

“The Baton arriving in Scotland in June 2022 marks a fantastic opportunity for our local communities, schools and athletes to engage with the Games and we’re looking forward with great anticipation and excitement to welcoming it here in the final build up to the opening ceremony.”

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