Swimmers look forward to getting back in action in Delhi

September 23, 2010

European 400m champion Hannah Miley is aware that she is now a target for other medal hopefuls as she prepares for the Commonwealth Games in Delhi.

Miley won the European title last month in Budapest and is expecting tough competition next month in India.
“I’ve got to keep looking over my shoulder, because everyone is chasing me,” said Miley. “You’ve got to expect that – it’s what happens in sport.

“And that’s what brings the best out in any athlete.”
Four years ago in Melbourne, it was the swimmers who helped boost the medal tally, with Caitlin McClatchey taking two of six Scots gold medals in the pool as part of a 20-medal haul.

Miley is also setting her sights on victory in Delhi and attributes her recent success to an unusual training regime. “It emphasises the fact that what I’m doing is working,” Miley told the gathered media pack at the Team Scotland preparation camp at University of Stirling earlier this month.

“All our crazy ideas and hard work that we put in is worth it. It’s a nice wee door opening where you think there is light at the end of the tunnel.

“We can manage it and it might be different or off the wall in the way that we train, but it works for us and it’s nice to get the results and rewards from it.

“Not only being selfish for myself, but for my dad – because the amount of work he puts in is unreal. It’s nice to see him get the benefits for the hard work he’s put in.

“I’ve always been the one chasing after things and my results have always been fourth or sixth or just making it, so it’s nice to have a breakthrough, but then you’ve got to pick someone or chase them down or chase their time.”

McClatchey will again be a key member of the Scotland swimming squad and would like a repeat of the success in Melbourne. “Looking back to 2006, it was kind of a surreal experience but great and exciting,” said McClatchey. “I had such a good time. I went in with no expectations.

“I wanted to do my best time and came out with a gold medal – and it was a fantastic experience.
“I felt proud to be part of Team Scotland and to have won a medal for my country. “I’m excited to see what everyone is going to be doing in Delhi. “The whole team is fantastic. Some of the sports, we’re really strong in. The surge that happened last time in Melbourne was great to be part of.”

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