First Team Scotland Staff Appointed for Gold Coast 2018

May 23, 2016

Team Scotland preparations for Gold Coast 2018 have begun in earnest, with five General Team Management (GTM) posts now confirmed.

The GTM is made up of an extremely experienced group of individuals to lead the key areas of operational activity, with all five having been involved in the Glasgow 2014 Games.

Jon Doig – Chef de Mission
Elinor Middlemiss – Deputy Chef de Mission
Katriona Bush – Head of Media & Communications
Niall Elliott – Chief Medical Officer
Stephen Mutch – Head of Physiotherapy

Jon Doig, Chief Executive of Commonwealth Games Scotland, will lead Team Scotlandfor a third successive Games as Chef de Mission, following a record medal tally in Glasgow. Elinor Middlemiss takes on the position of Deputy Chef de Mission, continuing the role she performedat both Glasgow 2014 and the Samoa 2015 Commonwealth Youth Games.

Niall Elliot, Chief Medical Officer, and Katriona Bush, Head of Media & Communications,bring a wealth of experience across numerous Commonwealth and Olympic Games, while Stephen Mutch steps up to the role of Head of Physiotherapy, following four Commonwealth Games and two Youth Games with Team Scotland.

Welcoming the team, Paul Bush, Chairman of Commonwealth Games Scotland, said: “I am delighted that we have brought together such an outstanding team, whose skills and experience will form the core of creating the successful Team Scotland ethos for our athletes in Gold Coast.

“The planning for an overseas Games will, of course, be very different to our home Games in Glasgow, but what does not change is the commitment to ensuring our athletes are given the best possible preparation and the right environment in which to excel. These staff appointments, and those that will follow, will focus on having the right people in place to support our athletes, as we aim for our most successful overseas Games ever.”

The next phase of appointments will commence in the autumn, when remaining general team manager posts, medical and media team appointments will be confirmed.

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